tees valley arts

Imaginary Interviews

Melinda Messenger

Do you like being famous? Yes, because everyone fancies me and I get paid a lot.
What is your greatest ambition? To have children.
How do you relax? Naked by the fire.
What is your favourite food? Chips.
What is your greatest fear? Sharks.
What is your greatest memory? Becoming Famous.
Do you believe in true love? Yes, I do.

Simon Wharton


Do you like being famous? Yesss. I caaan showw the worlld thatt I amm Bettter thann mmy brotherr.
Can you see out of your burnt eye? Nno, I cannnottt.
What is your greatest ambition? Tttoo bbeee the bbesstt champpionnn everrr anddd too beat mmy brotherr.
How do you relax? I nnevverrr rrelaxx.
What is your greatest memory? Bbeattingg mmy brotherr.
What is your worst memory? Mmy hhousse gettingg burnedd downn.
What is your greatest fear? Yyou ****hheadd. I ffearr nothinngg!
Do you believe in life after death? Wwhatt iss deatth?
Do you believe in true love? Wwhatt iss lovve?
What is your greatest regret? Havvingg a bbrotherr called the Unndertakkkerr.
Ouch, ouch, ouch, help, nooo! [we stopped the interview here because Kane beat up the reporter]

Liam Murray


Do you like being famous? Yes, because I get to do lots of rugby tackles and to earn lots of money.
What is your greatest ambition? To win the best belt in the WCW Nitro and to win World War Three.
What is your greatest fear? Nothing.
How do you relax? Winning a match and then going home to bed.
What is your favourite food? A big Sunday dinner.
What is your greatest memory? Beating Hollywood Hogan.
What is your worst memory? Losing the belt to Big Sexy Kevin Nash.
Do you believe in life after death? There is life after death, but you are going down before me.
Do you believe in true love? I don’t like love at all.

Alan Graham


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