Our new number is 01642 686886, please note our opening hours are 10am – 4pm Tuesdays to Saturdays
The Redcar Palace is a community arts venue based in Redcar, ran by Tees Valley Arts as its current ongoing project.
As of 2021, Tees Valley Arts’ main project has been the Redcar Palace, located in Redcar within The Palace Hub building on the esplanade. Our venue is home to a multitude of exciting projects, such as our dynamic Exhibition Programme, Honestly Made Honestly Sold – our honesty shop which features over 50 local crafters and makers, Blooming Youth Collective – our peer led young peoples group for 16 to 24 year olds and much more! We also have a women’s crafting group that meets every Wednesday called Which Craft? Ladies, and Life Drawing classes with Simon Edwards on Thursdays. Please email us at info@teesvalleyarts.org.uk for further information.
Redcar Palace has its own website and social media pages where we are active and post frequently about ongoing and upcoming projects. Tees Valley Arts’ site is currently live as an online archive to view previous projects and the history of our organisation, please note that we are active over on Redcar Palace’s site and across our various Redcar Palace social media handles. We will be reworking this website in the next upcoming months, so for the time being please find us at https://www.redcarpalace.org.uk
>> Please follow this link to be directed to Redcar Palace’s own website. <<
Tees Valley Arts is a charity that uses the arts to create social change.
We believe that the arts and culture create societies and offer challenges to the status quo. Communities have a right to tell their stories which reflect their past and will shape their future. Tees Valley Arts will act as a catalyst for all communities to become cultural producers, galvanising creative action and championing positive change.
Working with partners, we will lead in the cultural sector regionally and advocate for our region’s culture in national and international arenas.

Working with artists and communities across the Tees Valley to bring about positive change.

Sector Support
Read our regularly updated list of artist opportunities and support available during the lockdown.

Cultural News
Sign-up to our monthly cultural emails and our weekly emails for artists and makers.

Work with Us
We work with artists and communities to bring about positive change. We are always open to new opportunities for collaboration.

Volunteer with Us
We offer a range of volunteering and work experience placements for anyone interested in gaining new skills and experience in the arts and culture sector.

Donate to Us
The work we do would not be possible without the support of your donations, which helps us to continue our transformative work within communities.