tees valley arts

Upsall Hall unveils new Sculpture

Upsall Hall Rural Adult Training Centre, Swan’s Corner, Nunthorpe, will host the official unveiling of its magnificent six foot high metal garden sculpture on Thursday February 26th, at 2 pm.

The sculpture celebrates the ‘Metalworks’ project at Upsall Hall – for nearly three years, blacksmith David Stephenson has been working with staff and participants there as part of the Articulate Programme, managed by tees valley arts and funded by the Health Action Zone Innovations Fund and the Northern Rock Foundation. During that time the group has installed a forge; learnt all the technical and safety procedures of blacksmithing; designed and made original goods; hosted one of the six annual international ‘forge ins’ organised by the British Association of Artist Blacksmiths in 2003 and will again in 2004; given displays of their skill; and created this marvellous sculpture which has already led to them being commissioned by various other bodies to create other sculptures.

This sculpture celebrates the garden and the wildlife of Upsall Hall and includes plant forms, insects and birds. It is stunning, and all of the group are rightly proud of it and of all their work over the three years.

Upsall Hall Rural Adult Training Centre is run by Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council.

For more information and to arrange to attend, please contact

Derek Enderby, Upsall Hall, 01642 315481

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