Project Outline
The Journeys Project – will support the development, creation and staging of a short, youth-based drama piece, exploring modern, diverse identities in the economically and spiritually tough sub-region of Teesside, led by Middlesbrough-based playwright Ishy Din.
TVA will work with Ishy Din, who will be the project’s overall creative lead, supported by two experienced drama-workers; the partners will jointly recruit a participant group of local young people of varied ethnic and faith origin, including British Asian, the young people will be supported to achieve Bronze Arts Award through the project. Ishy will be creative lead in the creation of a drama piece or series of short drama pieces, exploring identity, aspiration, ambition, Teesside and Britain today; the drama piece/s will be performed at least twice. Ishy will also receive a programme of high-level mentoring with London based writer Fin Kennedy as his mentor. The Journeys project will also offer the two drama workers an opportunity for creative learning and development as they will be working alongside a lead playwright of acknowledged talent – one who has leapt almost from obscurity to the level of national star status – and they will benefit from the input of Fin Kennedy, in his role as Ishy’s mentor.
Journeys will employ two drama workers; a Drama Worker (DW) and a Host Drama Worker (HDW), both of whom will follow and collaborate with Ishy who will be the creative lead. Both drama workers will direct participants, devise the content and development of the project; it is anticipated that the DW will be more involved in this aspect of the project to enable the HDW to undertake other responsibilities (the DW will support this role.) The HDW will have a pastoral aspect to their role as they will be responsible for recruitment of young participants, ensuring consistent engagement of participants, following up when there are issues of non-attendance or difficult behaviours.
The HDW will be responsible for all aspects of Arts Award delivery and will be an arts award advisor trained at bronze and silver levels.
Please see the Journeys HDW and/or DW brief for more details below
Journeys HDW Brief
Journeys DW Brief
Please note that dates are already set – please check them before applying and ensure that you are available for all sessions.
All workshops will take place 6:00 – 9:00pm on Thursdays at Myplace, Custom House, North Street, Middlehaven, Middlesbrough, TS2 1JT
Weekly workshops will begin on 1st of November, leading to two performances in May 2013 (see attached schedule below).
HDW – £5,050 (inclusive of any VAT and travel)
DW -£4,200 (inclusive of any VAT and travel)
Application Details
Please note the deadline for completed applications is 5pm Tuesday 4th September 2012
Interviews will take place on Wednesday 12th September at TVA.
Please state in your application which role you are applying for: Drama Worker (DW) or Host Drama worker (HDW), or if you wish to be considered for both.
Applications should be in the form of a brief CV (no more than 2 sides of A4 detailing recent and/or relevant experience and qualifications) plus a cover letter outlining the following:
(it is important that you address each point)
- Your approach to and any experience of working on similar projects
- Your experience/ knowledge/ understanding of Arts Award
- How you would address travel and transport to sessions
Applications can be submitted either electronically or posted; if you wish to have items returned please ensure any postage and packing materials are included.
Please send applications to:
Tim Coyte, Tees Valley Arts, Melrose House, Melrose Street, Middlesbrough TS1 2HZ
Email: Tel: 01642 264651
Terms and Conditions
You must have an Enhanced CRB disclosure in place prior to commencement (dated no older than May 2011) and provide original documentation to TVA along with evidence of current Public Liability Insurance at the interview.
You are to be responsible for your own taxes and national insurance; comply with any health and safety requirements; comply with all relevant TVA policies, which are available on the website; contribute to evaluation and review of the project and attend planning/ evaluation meetings as required.