New Songs for Desperate Supporters


We are Hartlepool
We are sad
If you support us
You must be mad.

Chris Elsdon


O Barnet Town
You're not so good,
You're going down
All covered in blood.

O Barnet Town
Come on yous
You're supposed to
Light like a fuse.

Brendan Coyne


Forfar, your team is a star
When you score you're really big
At half time you go to the bar
And come back as drunk as a pig.

Phil Unwin

Hull City

We will stay with you
My Hull City
Even though we're going down
We will stay with you
Even though you are so boring.

We will stay with you
Oh my Hull City
Even though we're
Bottom of the league.

Andy Dodsworth


We are the losers, we are the losers,
We are the losers of Division Three,
We are Scarborough
And we live by the sea.

Gareth Gilchrist

