The Metalworks sculpture was commissioned by the Articulate programme as part of the Black Spot project. Artist David Stephenson worked with a metalworking group in the design and fabrication of a large sculpture that was then sited within the grounds of Upsall Hall.
David Stephenson


Upsall Hall is a 13-acre site that was owned and maintained by Redcar & Cleveland Borough Council from 1974 until its closure in 2013.
The listed historic house was built by Ironmaster John George Swan in 1875 in a French Renaissance style and by 2013 it was costing the council £100,00 each year to maintain.
Its last use had been as an adult training centre, which it had been in 2003 when Metalworks was completed.
The centre was closed in 2014 and the property sold in 2017 to businessman Geoff Hogg who plans to turn it into a family home. To find out more read the Gazette article here.
Do you know more?
The location of Metalworks is currently unknown it could still be at Upsall Hall or it could have been relocated by the council before the sale of the property.
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