Real Tees Valley aspires to hear the voices of young people across the Tees Valley through film-making, around the themes of Culture and Place.
Real Tees Valley aspires to hear the voices of young people across the Tees Valley through film-making, around the themes of Culture and Place.
Posted on 23/04/2019
Tees Valley Arts, in collaboration with Creative Darlington and Groundwork NE & Cumbria, wish to commission artists to undertake a commission.
Posted on 09/05/2018
This page is about an 18 month project called “Heritage on Track” by Tees Valley Arts, Creative Darlington and Groundwork NE & Cumbria.
Posted on 09/05/2018
Great Place Tees Valley is supported by the National Lottery through Arts Council England and the National Lottery Heritage Fund.
Posted on 09/05/2018
We’re now a Great Place as the Tees Valley Combined Authority secured £1.5 million from the Heritage Lottery Fund and Great Place scheme.
Posted on 16/03/2017
Green TV was funded by Heritage Lottery Fund to provide a programme of environmental and heritage engagement through the arts for Tees Valley.
Posted on 02/06/2016