Real Tees Valley YouTube playlist made up of 25 films from the Real Tees Valley Film Trail. In the order they were shared on social media.
Real Tees Valley YouTube playlist made up of 25 films from the Real Tees Valley Film Trail. In the order they were shared on social media.
Posted on 27/12/2019
Real Tees Valley aspires to hear the voices of young people across the Tees Valley through film-making, around the themes of Culture and Place.
Posted on 23/04/2019
Tees Valley Arts, in collaboration with Creative Darlington and Groundwork NE & Cumbria, wish to commission artists to undertake a commission.
Posted on 09/05/2018
This page is about an 18 month project called “Heritage on Track” by Tees Valley Arts, Creative Darlington and Groundwork NE & Cumbria.
Posted on 09/05/2018